
Performing on stage… or not

“If life gives you a bad instrument, just make music anyway” seems to be this pianist’s philosophy.

Eliane Rodrigues is Brazilian, but she lives in Belgium, teaching an the Royal Conservatory of Antwerpen. That explains why she can address the Dutch audience in Flemish.

Wonderful Satchmo

Listen to the inimitable Louis Armstrong in one of the songs for which he is famous: What a Wonderful World, written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss.

This song was recorded in Las Vegas, after Armstrong’s show, in a recording session that ended at 6am, having taken a lot more time than planned. To make sure the orchestra members were paid extra for their overtime, Armstrong accepted only musician’s union rate ($250) for his work.

Covid-safe Beethoven

This choir accompanies Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony without singing, but with sound and movement that speak just as loudly. I think Beethoven would have loved seeing this performance.

For the longest time… but not forever!

This video came out last year, but it still feels familiar. One day, we’ll look back on this and marvel at the resilience of the human spirit.

A warning though: you won’t be able to get this song out of your head !

P.S.: I love the Lysol rhythm section 🙂

Singing Together Apart

Technology is often blamed for isolating us from each other. But in these times where isolation is crucial, technology can help us stay in contact.

This virtual choir is an amazing example of how 36 women sing together without actually be in the same place at the same time.

Want to know how they did it? Have a look here.